Submit a request

All tickets are now automatically loaded onto your Stadium Access Card. You can also scan your tickets from the new Official Spurs App. If you don't have your stadium access card, you can request a replacement card. Note: this can take up to 3 weeks to be delivered. On match-day, if you can not access your tickets, please visit the Ticket Office with photo ID - arrive early, they are open 4 hours prior to kick-off until half-time. If you have received a ticket via "Ticket Share", if you are a One Hotspur Members, you will have this ticket loaded onto your stadium access card. If you are not a member you can access your e-ticket in your My Account.

This is number you use to log-in to your online account. It is the seven digit number printed on your ticketing account, or given to you when you booked tickets, registered or signed up to our mailing list.

Select the game your question is relating to

Please enter further details regarding your reason for contacting us which will help us answer your query.

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