Please find our Fan Advisory Board FAQs below, which we hope will assist with any queries you may have.
What is the remit of the FAB?
The remit of the FAB includes non-playing matters such as:
- The Club's strategic vision and objectives
- Off-pitch performance updates, priorities and plans
- Operational matchday issues
- Proposals relating to significant changes to Club heritage assets
- Stadium issues and plans
- The Club’s community strategy
- The Club’s equality, diversity and inclusion commitments
- The Club's plan for broader supporter engagement
How many positions are there within the FAB?
The FAB is compromised of the following 10 posts:
- A representative of Season Ticket Holders of the Men’s team (including Premium Seasonal Members)
- A representative of Season Ticket Holders of the Women’s team
- A representative of One Hotspur Members
- A representative of International Official Supporters’ Clubs
- A representative of Domestic Official Supporters’ Clubs
- Two representatives of the Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust
- A representative of Proud Lilywhites (LGBTQ+ Supporters’ Association)
- A representative of SpursAbility (Disabled Supporters’ Association)
- A representative of Spurs REACH (Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage Supporters’ Association)
Club Representation
The Club itself is represented on the FAB by Executive Director, Donna-Maria Cullen, and Head of Supporter Engagement, Levi Harris, with the Chairman, other Board members and senior Club staff attending selected meetings.
Is there a Chair?
The FAB operates a Co-Chair model. One Co-Chair will be a supporter representative, elected each year by fellow FAB members, who will also attend a maximum of four Club Board meetings each year. The other Co-Chair will be the Club's Executive Director, Donna-Maria Cullen. ensuring continuous access to the Board.
What are the criteria for FAB membership?
Members must meet the following criteria:
- Over the age of 18 years old
- Genuine and long-standing support of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club
- Understanding of the Club's history, traditions and culture
- Understanding of major issues affecting football supporters in England (or internationally for the International Official Supporters' Club representative)
- Good communication skills and a collegiate working approach
- Understanding of commercial business helpful but not essential
How are FAB members selected?
With equality, diversity and inclusion at the FAB’s heart, representatives of the Tottenham Hotspur Supporters' Trust, Proud Lilywhites, SpursAbility and Spurs REACH are nominated at the discretion of their respective committees or boards.
Applicants for the remaining posts are required to apply to join the FAB.
Applicants must be a member of the section of the fanbase they seek to represent at the time of application and for any season they wish to participate in the FAB. For example, a supporter applying to represent Season Ticket Holders of the Men’s team must be a 2022/23 Season Ticket Holder and renew their Season Ticket for the 2023/24 season.
Can FAB members remain in their post if their Season Ticket or membership is not renewed?
Applicants must be a member of the section of the fanbase they seek to represent at the time of application and for any season they wish to participate in the FAB. For example, a supporter applying to represent Season Ticket Holders of the Men’s team must be a 2022/23 Season Ticket Holder and renew their Season Ticket for the 2023/24 season.
How are Season Ticket Holders of the Men's team (including Premium Seasonal Members), Women's team & One Hotspur Members selected?
The Selection Process for Season Ticket Holders of the Men’s team (including Premium Seasonal Members), Women’s team & One Hotspur Members is:
- Season Ticket Holder / One Hotspur Member applies and submits required information and endorsers’ details via online form
- Endorsers invited to submit their endorsement of applicant via online form
- Once full submissions received, applicants and endorsers are verified against Club records
- FAB Selection Panel convenes to shortlist applicants
- Season Ticket Holders and One Hotspur Members are invited to vote for their post holder via an independent election managed by Civica Election Services
- FAB members appointed and announced
How are Official Supporters' Clubs members selected?
Only committee members of Official Supporters’ Clubs are able to apply to join the FAB.
The Selection Process for Official Supporters Clubs is:
- Official Supporters' Club committee member applies and submits required information and endorsers’ details via online form
- Endorsers invited to submit their endorsement of applicant via online form
- Once full submissions received, applicants and endorsers are verified with Official Supporters' Club committees
- FAB Selection Panel convenes to shortlist applicants
- Official Supporters' Club Chairs are invited to vote on behalf of their clubs for their post holder via an independent election managed by Civica Election Services
- FAB members appointed and announced
What are the terms of office?
Each member of the FAB will serve an initial term of either three or four years to ensure continuity of membership. The drawing of lots will determine the length of each members’ initial term.
Incumbents may reapply for their role at the end of their first term in order to preserve the benefit of experience and expertise already developed. All FAB members’ second terms will be for a period of three years.
How frequent will meetings be?
The FAB will meet four times a year. In addition, working groups will also be created to focus on issues of particular importance to supporters, with Club staff where required, which can report back to the FAB
What confidentiality arrangements are in place for FAB members?
FAB members will be required to sign and abide by an FAB Member Agreement which will include a commitment to respect confidentiality, data protection and intellectual property requirements.
FAB members may be barred or removed from office in the event of a breach of legal requirements with a process for removal and appeal in place.
Are FAB meetings in person or virtual?
Meetings will be hybrid, so members unable to attend in person will be able to attend virtually.