Disability Access Scheme FAQs

All information about Tottenham Hotspur's Disability Access Scheme, and how to register, can be found in our Accessibility Guide. Once you have read the guide, please refer to the following FAQs should you have any further queries.

***Please note***

You will not need to register on the Access Scheme if you have booked an accessible ticket for a non-football event held at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. If you have booked through Tottenham Hotspur for a non-football event, please click here. Please note that the guide below refers to football matches held at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium only.


Do I need to register on the Disability Access Scheme?

The Club's Disability Access Scheme permits supporters with a disability, or other access requirements, to sit in dedicated accessible viewing areas. If you require the use of accessible seating on match days, regardless of whether you are a Season Ticket Holder, One Hotspur Member or non-Member, we would encourage you to register via our online form.

If you are a general admission Season Ticket Holder who would like to apply for a priority lift pass to make the journey to your seat easier, you may submit an application for a pass using the above form but you will not be required to register on the Access Scheme. All other supporters who would like to apply for a priority lift pass will need to register.

If you have a temporary injury or mobility issue and only require accessible seating for a short period of time, you will not need to register on the Access Scheme. You will, however, need to contact the Access team no later than seven days before each game you are due to attend so that, subject to availability, we can assist in relocating you to somewhere suitable. (Please note that you will be required to pay the price difference if you are relocated to a more expensive seat.)

You will not need to register on the Access Scheme if you are would like to attend a third party event held at the Stadium.


Am I guaranteed a Personal Assistant ticket?

If you require a Personal Assistant to accompany you to games, please ensure that you provide supporting evidence with your application. A comprehensive list of documents we accept is listed in our Accessibility Guide; if you do not have any such documents, please send us any documentation that you do have. All applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis so we will be happy to assess your documentation on its own merits.

Once you are approved for a Personal Assistant, any ticket booking you make through the Club will automatically include a second ticket for your Personal Assistant to use to accompany you. Please note that they will not be able to make use of their ticket unless you are in attendance.

It is important to understand that a Personal Assistant ticket is not a concessionary ticket but rather a reasonable adjustment made by the Club to enable disabled supporters to more easily attend events at the Stadium and access the full range of matchday services when they might otherwise find it unreasonably difficult or impossible to access them. This is in line with current UK legislation as described in the Equality Act 2010.


Can I attend with my assistance animal?

Yes, our access requirement form allows you to state whether you require an assistance animal to accompany you to games. Please make sure you let us know on your form and provide any relevant supporting documentation.


What supporting documentation is required?

We are happy to accept photos or scans of the following as supporting evidence (please avoid sending us original copies where possible):

  • Middle or Higher rate Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • Attendance Allowance (AA)
  • Severe Disablement Allowance (SDA)
  • Certificate of visual impairment (CVI)
  • War Disablement Pension
  • A letter outlining your access requirements from your hospital specialist (dated within the last two months)
  • The Access Card (details available from www.accesscard.org.uk)
  • If resident outside of UK, please provide equivalent documentation

If you are not in receipt of any of the documentation above, please send us any evidence you do have. Each application shall be assessed on a case-by-case basis on its own merits.


How long does it take to register on the Disability Access Scheme?

Upon receipt, most applications are processed within 3-5 working days. During busy periods this may increase, but we will still aim to process your application as quickly as possible and will endeavour to keep you updated.


How do I purchase tickets/memberships once registered?

General information about ticket prices, membership and on-sale dates can be found on the official Club website.

Match tickets for supporters registered on the Disability Access Scheme are released at 2pm on the advertised on-sale dates. 

Supporters who have successfully registered on the Access Scheme are able to book tickets online. For further details, please see our online access guide and FAQs. If you are registered and would like to purchase a membership, please call us directly on 0344 844 0102 and select option 1 then 5 from the relevant menu. (Lines are open Monday-Friday, 9.30am-5pm and close at 2pm if we have a midweek fixture)



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